Which courses are included in the 300-Hour Advanced program?

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The 300-Hour program encompasses the following six distinct courses, and completing each is a prerequisite for certification:

  1. 175 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
  2. 50 Hour Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
  3. 50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training
  4. 15 Hour Art of Chanting
  5. 15 Hour Anatomy of Breath
  6. 15 Hour Finding Your Voice

Upon completing each course, you'll be awarded its respective certificate, culminating in a comprehensive 300-Hour certification.

With this training, you'll be accredited as a Yin Yoga Teacher, Restorative Yoga Teacher, and an Advanced 300-Hour Yoga Teacher specializing in Vinyasa and Hatha.

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Are there any specific requirements to enroll in the 300-Hour program?

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