How do I upload my video practicum following the submission of my written flow?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

You're currently at step 3, which is pivotal for successfully completing your video practicum class. Ensure you progress through the lectures sequentially as they appear in your course; this will smoothly lead you towards your practicum submission.

Here's a breakdown of what you'll need to do during this third step for your practicum submission:

  1. Complete the form associated with this step INSIDE your course. This informs us to anticipate your practicum video soon.
  2. Keep an eye on your email (and check your junk/spam folders just in case) for detailed instructions regarding the video upload process. Given the varying time zones, there might be a delay up to 24 hours before you receive this email.
  3. Upon receiving the email, proceed to upload your practicum video as directed.

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