I'm receiving a message that says "site connection not secure" or something similar. What does this mean?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

If you're encountering a "connection not secure" notification while accessing the platform, it's often related to certain antivirus or security software settings on your device. These security tools can occasionally flag websites or platforms due to various reasons, even when they're safe. Our site is 100% SSL Secured.

We recommend checking your antivirus or security software settings. If the site is being blocked or flagged, consider adding it to your software's "safe" or "whitelist." This should help you access it without further security prompts. Always ensure you're keeping your security settings updated and optimized for a balance between safety and seamless browsing.

Alternatively, you can click on "Advanced" or a similar option to bypass the warning and continue to the site. This is a quicker workaround.

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