Am I required to select one of the Pranayamas, Meditations, Mantras, and Mudras from the program for my practicum, or can I incorporate alternative ones?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

We strongly recommend utilizing the course material for your practicum. Here's why:

  1. It showcases your understanding and application of the course content in a real-world scenario.
  2. It provides clarity for the evaluator, ensuring all practicum criteria are met.
  3. It offers a framework for structuring your practicum, akin to piecing together a puzzle using the components provided in the course.

While we appreciate creativity in your practicum, our primary focus is on safety, clarity, and adherence to criteria. Once you venture into actual teaching, you'll have ample opportunity to expand and innovate in your classes. For the practicum, sticking to the course content is a wise approach.

How did we do?

Is it permissible to keep my phone close during the practicum for music and time-tracking purposes?

During the practicum, should we lie in Savasana ourselves or remain seated to maintain the class's energy and presence?
