Is it necessary to memorize all the body parts to memory for the written exam?

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You're not required to commit every anatomical term and body part to memory for the written exam! This section of the program serves as a foundational introduction, aiming to provide insight into the body's mechanics during yoga asana. This foundational understanding empowers you to provide precise and safe alignment cues, fostering a conscious and informed approach to teaching.

As your teaching journey unfolds, you might feel compelled to deepen your grasp on yoga anatomy through specialized courses. This could potentially become a hallmark of your teaching style, drawing students to your classes. Alternatively, your teaching path may branch into other rich facets of the multifaceted yoga practice.

We hope this clarity allows you to immerse in the lectures without the pressure of retention. Remember, "You'll internalize what's essential now, and the rest will naturally come when you're ready."

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Is there a deadline to submit the practicum after finishing the written exam?
