If the courses are offered on-demand, how do students access faculty support and interact with their peers?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Your Yoga Flow is deeply committed to supporting you throughout your course journey. We've established a multifaceted support system to ensure you have an enriching learning experience: We provide an array of interactive tools and resources for students to enhance their learning experience.

  1. Inside the program, there's an integrated Q&A forum, facilitating discussions among students and faculty.
  2. Additionally, our vibrant community forum, which includes alumni and faculty, sees daily activity and provides a platform for shared experiences and insights.
  3. For quick answers, we offer a virtual Q&A platform loaded with frequently asked questions.
  4. Our Student Support Centre, manned by dedicated faculty and support staff, is always at hand to assist you.
  5. Every week at the Your Yoga Flow Studio, faculty members conduct Live Student Development sessions. If live attendance isn't possible for you, don't worry – we record each session, allowing you to access them at your convenience.
  6. Furthermore, weekly live yoga practices are hosted by faculty members on the Your Yoga Flow Studio. And yes, these too are recorded for on-demand viewing.

With these resources, students are never isolated; they always have avenues to seek assistance, engage in discussions, and deepen their understanding. We recognize the significance of robust support in the realm of online education.

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