Is it appropriate to include Sun Salutations for beginners in my practicum?

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For the practicum, it's essential that you adapt Sun Salutations to be beginner-friendly. Remember, the whole focus of this practicum is to ensure it's inclusive, safe, and tailored to newcomers.

When introducing a pose for the first time, it's crucial to provide clear alignment instructions along with options for modifications and variations.

For instance, during the initial rounds of Sun Salutations, consider suggesting the knees-down modification in plank pose before progressing to Chaturanga Dandasana. Initially, recommend Baby Cobra, and as the students' bodies warm up, you can introduce the option of Upward Facing Dog. Additionally, you might guide students to opt for Child’s Pose or Tabletop instead of Downward Facing Dog if that feels more suitable for them.

A valuable tip for your practicum: keep your sequencing straightforward. This approach gives you the leeway to provide comprehensive alignment cues, variations, and modifications without feeling rushed or like you've omitted crucial information. Always prioritize depth over breadth—focus on quality, simplicity, and pacing.

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