How can I make my mat fit in the frame of my phone when teaching my practicum?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Setting up a conducive space for online teaching can indeed be challenging. The goal is to strike the right balance so that you're visible without rearranging your entire home.

Angles play a pivotal role. Throughout the program, we've provided numerous practicum examples and set-up videos to guide you. By observing these, you'll gain insights into framing your teaching space effectively. Ideally, you shouldn't need to position yourself more than 10ft from your recording device to capture your entire mat. If occasionally we can't see your hands raised, it's not a major concern.

A popular solution among our Alumni is a Camera Lens Kit. It comes with a fisheye, macro, and wide-angle lens, compatible with iPads, iPhones, and Android devices. The wide-angle lens, in particular, significantly enhances the frame's scope. Many in our community have found this invaluable for online teaching. If you're contemplating this addition, here are a couple of recommended options:

Mobile Phone Camera Lens Kit

Universal Cell Phone Lens

Additionally, elevating your device using a tripod, stacking books, or placing it on a high shelf can give the needed angle. Don't hesitate to get inventive and play around until you achieve the desired frame. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting.

Should you need more assistance, kindly share photos of your set-up, and any specific challenges you're facing. We're here to support you.

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