What can I do if pages or videos from my course are not loading properly?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

If you're encountering difficulties:

  1. Ad blocker Extensions: Begin by disabling any ad blocker extensions on your browser, as they can occasionally block essential elements.
  2. Clear Browsing Data: A lot of times, stored browsing data can be the culprit. Clear your browser cache to see if that resolves the problem.
  3. Private Browsing Mode: Accessing the course through a private (incognito) browser window can often bypass some issues related to cached data or cookies.
  4. Update Your Browser: Make sure you're utilizing the latest version of your browser. Keeping it up-to-date can help in preventing compatibility issues.
  5. Switch Browsers: If the problem persists, consider accessing the content using another browser. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are highly recommended.
  6. Different Network Connection: Some network settings can block specific content. Trying a different network might help.

If you're unfamiliar with opening a private browsing window in our supported browsers, here are instructions for: Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Edge

Always ensure you have a stable internet connection.

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