Upon completing this program, can I register with Yoga Alliance as a 500-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (500RYT)? Is is reuquired?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Indeed, upon completion, you can submit this 300 Hour certification to Yoga Alliance, along with your initial 200 Hour certification, to either register or elevate your status to a 500RYT designation.

Important: If your 200 Hour ~ Level 1 training wasn't undertaken at a Registered Yoga School (RYS200) affiliated with Yoga Alliance, they won't provide you with the 500 Hour designation. Yoga Alliance mandates that all training programs be accomplished through their recognized Registered Yoga Schools (RYS).

Keep in mind, registration with Yoga Alliance isn't mandatory for your certification to be recognized. It's an optional step, and it's worth considering how best to allocate your financial resources.

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