How can I suggest adjustments for individuals with wrist discomfort?

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For those experiencing wrist discomfort, consider the following yoga adjustments:

  1. Use Props: Encourage the use of props such as yoga blocks or folded blankets under the hands to change the wrist angle in weight-bearing postures.
  2. Fist Modification: In poses like Downward Facing Dog or Plank, they can make a fist with their hands, placing weight on the knuckles rather than an open palm.
  3. Palm Lift: Ask them to slightly lift the base of their palms, pressing more into the fingers' tips and knuckles, distributing weight away from the centre of the wrist.
  4. Forearm Poses: Opt for forearm-based versions of poses, such as Forearm Plank or Dolphin Pose instead of the traditional Plank or Downward Dog.
  5. Avoid Hyperextension: Remind them not to hyperextend the wrists. Keeping a micro-bend can alleviate pressure.
  6. Wrist Stretches: Incorporate wrist stretches before and after practice to increase flexibility and strength.
  7. Strengthening Exercises: Incorporate exercises to strengthen the wrists and the supporting muscles of the forearm.
  8. Opt for Non-Weight Bearing Poses: Choose poses that don't require wrist pressure, such as seated or standing poses.
  9. Mindful Transitions: Caution them to be gentle and deliberate when transitioning between poses that involve wrist weight-bearing.
  10. Rest and Listen: Emphasize the importance of listening to their body. If a posture is causing pain, it's essential to back out and opt for an alternative pose or have a rest.

Remember, everyone's body is different. What works for one person might not work for another. It's crucial to maintain open communication with the individual, ensuring the adjustments are helpful and not causing further discomfort.

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