How to log and keep track of your Live Sessions?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Mandatory Class Logging:

  • Your Responsibility: You are required to manually keep a log of all classes you attend. This is crucial because our system does not automatically provide a list to students. We will ask for the details when you apply for certification.
  • Verification Process: We will compare your manually logged list against our back-end system to confirm your attendance and participation. We are unable to conduct preliminary checks for students due to the large volume of enrollments we handle. With thousands of students, such an approach is not practical for us.
  • Certification Requirement: Remember, attending certain live classes is mandatory for the program. Your certification depends on this.

Live Session Policy (How Many Classes Required | Types of Classes Required | Alternative Options to Live Sessions):

  • Full Policy: To ensure clarity and prevent any misunderstandings as you proceed, please, thoroughly read through the entire policy provided here.

Before You Start:

  • Activate Your Access: Please ensure you activate your access to the online studio before proceeding. You'll find lectures labeled "Live Session Access" guiding you to the calendar of upcoming live sessions and detailing the required number for certification.
  • Exclusive Link for Activation: This pricing offer is exclusively for our registered student community. If you have not already done so, please click here to activate your access.

How did we do?

How many Live Sessions do I need to attend to obtain certification?

Why do we need to pay for Live Access and Certificates (if we want them)?
