What does the monthly subscription cost for Your Yoga Flow Studio and why is it required?

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The "Your Yoga Flow Online Studio" is a companion to enhance your journey throughout the program. While only a fraction of the program resides here, it's essential to be subscribed while you're actively enrolled. This isn't just a platform; it's a space where you can attend Live Student Development Sessions, immerse yourself in Yoga Classes with our esteemed faculty, and find camaraderie in a community forum. Here, you can share experiences, seek guidance, and engage with like-minded peers.

There's a modest student monthly subscription of $10 USD for this enriching platform, separate from your main course fee. But the beauty of it? It's flexible. If life calls you elsewhere, or you complete your journey, you can either pause or conclude your subscription. During a pause, you'll always have access to your core program content, although certain exclusive yoga sessions, meditations, and specific lectures will await your return. We're here to make this journey as supportive and seamless as possible for you.

Many students have found enduring value in the platform even post-completion, but always remember - the journey is yours, and the choices are yours to make!

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