After completing the 300 Hour program, which styles of Yoga will I be qualified to teach?

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Upon completing the 300-Hour course, you will earn certifications in multiple specialized areas of yoga. This means you'll be recognized as a Yin Yoga Teacher, emphasizing the slow, deep, and meditative aspects of the practice. Additionally, you'll be certified as a Restorative Yoga Teacher, a style known for its healing and recuperative benefits.

Beyond these specializations, your training will also crown you as a 300-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher, with an in-depth focus on the advanced techniques of both Hatha and Vinyasa. These comprehensive credentials not only showcase your versatility as a yoga teacher but also ensure that you are equipped to cater to a broad range of students, from those seeking relaxation and healing to those desiring a more dynamic and physically challenging practice.

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Which courses are included in the 300-Hour Advanced program?

Upon completing the 300-Hour program, will I be equipped to confidently lead advanced Yoga classes?
