What does the final written test cover?

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The final written test aims to gauge your grasp on the distinct modules covered during the course, including areas like pranayama, mudra, chakras, nadis, and bandhas. Remember, each program has its specific set of modules.

Although understanding individual asanas is crucial, they're not the main emphasis of this written assessment. Instead, your practicum will delve into that, evaluating your capability to lead a full session, ensuring precise cueing, proper alignment, and offering variations, modifications, and the use of props.

The examination comprises multiple-choice questions focused on straightforward, objective information. For instance, you might encounter a question like, "Which nadi is known for its cooling attributes?" Such questions mirror the style of practice quizzes you've taken during your coursework, aiding in solidifying your knowledge.

Once you've finished, your results are immediately available. If your score falls below the passing mark, you have the opportunity to attempt the exam again.

Stay calm, believe in your extensive preparation, and tackle the test with assurance. Wishing you all the best!

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