How should the number of breaths per pose differ between a Hatha class and a Vinyasa class?

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In a Hatha class, poses are typically held for a longer duration, allowing students to focus on alignment and breath awareness. It's common to guide students to hold a pose for anywhere from 3 to 10 breaths or even longer, depending on the pose and the intention of the practice.

In contrast, a Vinyasa class is characterized by a more fluid sequence where poses are linked with breath. Here, the duration of each pose is often shorter, and transitions between poses can be guided by single inhalations or exhalations. Typically, poses might be held for 1 to 5 breaths, but this can vary based on the flow's pace and the teacher's intention.

However, it's important to note that these are general guidelines, and the actual number of breaths can vary based on the teacher's style, class level, and specific goals for the session.

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