Is it permissible to integrate Pranayama with Asana during the practicum?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

For the practicum, the evaluator needs to see Pranayama taught as a standalone segment to ensure a clear understanding, proper cueing, and demonstration. Additionally, sharing the benefits of the chosen breath technique would be beneficial.

Once you've met this criteria by teaching several rounds of your selected Pranayama independently, you may then decide to weave it into your asana practice if it's fitting.

For instance, if you've chosen Ujjayi Pranayama, you can first introduce it from a seated or standing position, and later suggest its use during the asana sequence.

However, some Pranayama practices, like Nadi Shodhana, are typically taught separately since they aren't easily incorporated into asana sequences.

Keep in mind that your practicum targets beginner students. They'll need detailed and considerate guidance to understand and adopt this new breathing technique effectively.

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