How can I move forward if I'm finding it challenging to develop my practicum?

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At times, overanalyzing can hinder our innate creativity and make us question our inherent knowledge.

Consider streamlining your sequence to alleviate feelings of being overwhelmed. Allowing more moments of pause and breath within the class not only aids in maintaining a calm and centred demeanour as a teacher, but can also lessen self-imposed pressures. There's no need to offer an overly intricate or challenging session, especially if it's outside your current comfort zone.

For many, crafting a full yoga class will be a first-time experience. Embrace simplicity and align with what you're confident teaching. This approach can pave the way for a more organic flow that feels right for you at this juncture.

If you hit a creative block, immersing yourself in personal practice might reignite your inspiration. Alternatively, stepping away from the course and engaging in entirely different activities could provide the breather you need, allowing the course's teachings to truly sink in before you dive into your practicum preparation.

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