Is it acceptable to produce a bee-like buzzing sound during Bhramari breath rather than a humming noise?

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Bhramari pranayama, often referred to as the bee breath or humming breath, is a practice known for its potential to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, ushering in a sense of calm and internal focus. This can help alleviate stress, relax physical tension, enhance sleep quality, and even stimulate the thyroid gland.

To harness these benefits, it's crucial to ensure the correct vibrational sound during the practice. This resonating hum should be reminiscent of the prolonged 'mmmm' in the Om chant, emanating deeply and consistently from the throat and head.

The objective is to produce a harmonious vibration that begins in the throat and permeates through the sinuses and up to the crown. Unlike the bee-like buzzing, which has a different oral placement and resonates through the teeth, the humming sound of Bhramari should be more profound and resonant. Thus, producing a buzzing sound would deviate from the authentic Bhramari pranayama practice

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