Why do we need to pay for Live Access and Certificates (if we want them)?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

As a small business dedicated to delivering unparalleled quality in our programs, we want to highlight the exceptional value you receive when enrolling with us on Udemy. Our courses are offered at a discount of 90% or more compared to mainstream prices, often surpassing them in quality. Our collaboration with UDEMY provides students like you the opportunity to access programs that might otherwise be financially out of reach.

We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive, live support and boast a dedicated faculty of 12 Teacher Trainers. It's important to note that from the fees you pay, Udemy retains approximately 60% of the revenue. This significant share impacts our financial model.

Our decision to charge for certification and live access is driven by the need to ensure our school's viability and our commitment to continually produce high-quality content for our students. Our team invests significant time in verifying that students meet all the necessary requirements for completion. This step is essential for any reputable educational institution; without it, certifications would lack credibility. Such measures enable us to preserve the high standards of education and support that our students have come to expect from us.

We understand that every detail matters in your learning journey. Therefore, we emphasize that as adult learners, it is your responsibility to thoroughly review all course details before enrollment. This ensures you are fully informed about the requirements and commitments of the program.

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How to log and keep track of your Live Sessions?
