What occurs if I don't pass the practicum?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Take a deep breath and understand that every evaluator is rooting for you to pass your practicum on your first try! Still, there may be times when we need to provide additional guidance and constructive feedback to help you achieve a successful practicum. And that's completely alright!

Our primary concern is ensuring the class is safe. For instance, if you happen to overlook your meditation or mantra, we'll highlight this in your feedback, but it won't be a reason for marking your practicum as unsuccessful. However, if you meet most criteria but fail to guide any transitions, neglect to use props, or don’t provide adjustments, then the class isn't deemed safe, and you'll be prompted to retake the practicum.

If, unfortunately, you don't pass the practicum in your first attempt, you will receive feedback via email and will have 3 months to resubmit.

Before final submission, it's highly recommended to review your practicum video to ensure you've met all the criteria. Be genuine with yourself. If you think there's room for improvement and want to re-record, that's absolutely fine! We aim for you to be proud of your accomplishments, and we're here to guide you in becoming an exceptional yoga teacher.

A note of encouragement from Alum, Kim McGuinness:

I put a lot of pressure on myself to achieve "perfection", but it's essential to understand that perfect is elusive. No one is flawless, and our instructors recognize this.

From my experience and based on the feedback I received, occasional slip-ups are forgivable and anticipated, as long as you maintain the class's flow. In a real-life classroom, you're likely the only one noticing minor missteps.

Ensure you address all the practicum's listed components, execute them with full dedication, and maintain the given timeframe, and you're on the right track!

You've completed a comprehensive course packed with invaluable information. Now, it's time to showcase how you apply this knowledge in a teaching environment.

I believe in every one of you, and I understand it can be daunting. However, channel that nervousness into enthusiasm and give it your best shot!

How did we do?

Can I merge my Mantra and Meditation for the practicum?

What are the optimal camera or iPhone settings for recording my practicum?
