How long will it take to receive feedback on my practicum submission?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Congratulations! You've successfully submitted your practicum. Take a moment to recognize and celebrate the dedication and effort you've put into the program. We know you're eager to receive feedback and learn about your performance.

After your submission, the review process will take 3 weeks (21 business days) to complete. This timeframe is an estimate, as the actual duration depends on the volume of submissions we're handling at any given point. Our primary goal is to ensure that each student's work gets a thorough and detailed review, allowing us to provide meaningful and constructive feedback to support your growth as a yoga teacher.

While you wait, consider it an opportunity to practice patience and reflect on your journey. Maybe delve into other activities or passions that rejuvenate you. Rest assured, your practicum is being assessed with care and attention, and we're committed to helping you thrive as a yoga teacher. Sending warm wishes and positive energy your way!

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