Anatomy & Physiology FAQS

What distinguishes locked joints from close-packed joints?

Locked joints refer to the intentional or unintentional hyperextension or overextension of a joint, which can lead to strain or injury. When a joint is "locked," it is typically pushed to its end ran…

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How can I offer modifications for students with knee issues?

For yoga practitioners with knee issues, it's essential to ensure safety and minimize strain on the affected area. Here are some modifications you can suggest: Use Props: Encourage the use of props l…

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Is jumping considered movement in the transverse plane? Additionally, in which plane does stepping to the left or right occur?

Jumping is not considered movement in the transverse plane. Jumping primarily involves the sagittal plane, as it consists of flexion and extension movements. Stepping to the left or right occurs in t…

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Why isn't the Teres Major included in the rotator cuff muscle group? Also, is there a specific name for movement at a 45-degree angle in terms of anatomical planes?

The rotator cuff is comprised of four muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Their primary roles are to stabilize and move the humeral head within the glenoid foss…

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Is the concept of spinal flexion and extension, where flexion brings vertebrae closer and extension moves them apart, based on a frontal view of the spine?

No, the concept of spinal flexion and extension is based on a sagittal (side) view of the spine. Flexion refers to the forward bending motion of the spine, while extension refers to the backward bend…

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Why are specific yoga poses discouraged during menstruation?

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as a substitute for medical advice or diagnosis. If you experience menstrual difficulties, we urge you to consult with your h…

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