Is there an extension policy for programs that expire?

Support Team Updated by Support Team

Given the vast number of students we serve, we're unable to provide short-term extensions for any reason. Instead, we've introduced our Lifetime Access program. Here's how it functions:

Eligibility for Lifetime Access:

Students who enrolled in a program between October 1, 2020, and March 10, 2022, will have their program access for 2 years from their enrollment date. Check your original purchase receipt in your profile's account section for details.

However, note these two exceptions:

1. The 500 Hour program has a validity of 4 years from the date of purchase.

2. The 100 Hour Children's program lasts 3 years from the date of purchase.

If your program access is expiring, you're eligible to buy the Lifetime Access. Once purchased, the system will automatically update your access status within 2 business days.

For those who enrolled either before October 1, 2020, or after March 10, 2022, there's no program expiration due to the distinct fee structure and format. There's no need for these students to purchase Lifetime Access.

Understanding Lifetime Access:

Lifetime Access ensures ongoing, complete access to your chosen program. This means no deadlines for program criteria, such as video practicums and exams. Take all the time you require.

How did we do?

Where can I purchase the required textbooks for my program?

How do I extend my program or purchase lifetime access?
